I seldom blog short post. To keep the blog warm, I have to update more frequent with shorter post, another way to save me out from laziness. Regarding to the post title, I am temporarily stationed at TM Jelutong Exchange for this week.
It's not a new environment for me as I was here for a week a month ago. That time I was sitting for the whole day in the test desk. Well, not much differences for now. Instead, I found a comforting corner, where I can online and even sleep soundless without interruption.
Here are the pics:
The main entrance, almost same at every exchange.
Once you enter the buidling,
surely u are WOW-ed by the forest landscape design.
I am wondering is there anyone feeeding the fishes.
My actual department for this week.
ZFT ZONE 2 JTG => Zone Field Team (Zone 2) Jelutong
There are 6 Zones of ZFT in Penang.
3 Zones in Island, 3 Zones in Mainland.
Zone 2 covers Penang Central, Jelutong and Komtar Exchanges.
As you can see from the pic below,
that's my current location and the territory of TM Jelutong Exchange.
This is my industrial training schedule, which I am being assigend to different departments under ZFT throughout the training period.
There's a TM Live Video Conferencing Room at 1st floor.
I never enter this place before as it is always locked.
TM Jelutong Exchange is exactly located opposite of Sunshine Jelutong, which gives me chance to shop for groceries during the break time but I never been there till now.
Of course, the streets around that area are damn busy.
Maybe the roads are too narrow for heavy traffic.
One great thing is there are lotz of coffee shops and restaurants around which make my life easier. I even tried my 1st KFC Breakfast there.
Enough said. It's my life.
Hopefully it's a contented week.