It was a sunny morning....
Because it was SUNDAY.....(cold....=.=)
This was the place I went to....and only I realized....It has been a long time I never step on the land of a MARKET...
especially MORNING MARKET> most of the MMU-ians din really do mornings....haha!
The place was a legal place to sell your goods and food...
The happiest thing was A BOWL OF whatever NOODLES only sold at RM2.00 to RM3.00.....
Hardly you can find such a price at Cyberjaya, the city with Cyber-price!
This is the all time favourite ----> YOU CHAR KOAY!
and TEH PENG....iced tea!
Well, our local morning market is special because the market has its specialities...
There are few phenomena-s.....that you can observe especially that particular area has more chinese residents...
1) Place to dine....kopi...hokkien mee, curry mee, wan tan mee, nasilemak, blablabla~~
2) Selling vegetables....
3) Mini pineapples....near CNY d...used to pray “baibai” de~
4) Fruits....especially Bananas~~
5) Eggs....
6) Condiment, Seasoning, Flavouring or Spice...Whatever~
7) Bread and Sweets...Roti a~Gula-gula ar~
8) Clothes....
9) Certain part of pig's body~
10) Used to cook soup de....forgot called wat ad~
11) Artistic le....selling clothes for babies...
12) Selling short n long pants...
13) Toys, killing parents' wallet~~
14) CNY you can observe...
15) Well, you knw, new year time, though it's illegal, you still can find it at local market~~
16) Kitchen utilities...
17) Sure got tok-guru-s, who were selling their secret recipe medicines...=.=
18) Then, sure got salesmen used portable speaker "lelong" their products and then demonstrated it!~
19) This one is so called "DAO PO"....put in soup, or curry mee de~~
20) Near new year d....sure got ppl were selling madarin oranges~~
21) Selling Kacang....and snacks~!~
22) You will see magazines too...the shadow is mine....hohoho~
23) At here, you must be ALERT....alert than RED ALERT3 or 4.....because BOMBS everywhere......
Selling lingeries~
24) Chinese market also got malay de....Malaysia mah~ They were selling malay spices etc...~
25) Next, sure got wet market....very wet, slippery and dirty~~
26) Got fish, sure got chicken. This is the place specially to sell chickens, mutton, pork.....and all sort of meats~
27) Something you won't miss, sure got pirated DVD/VCDs sellers.........
28) And then you will find beggars everywhere, some of them actually still fit and capable to work......
But they chose to sit there and earned easy money...............=.=
29) Last but not least, you will see well-known faces at local chinese market......
Penang mah~~~ everywhere also got this banner.....=.=
We have so many attractions in a typical local chinese market.........
Maybe that's the reason our local market is so term of variety~? :)
Sometimes, it's too common for us and we won't pay attention on something that always exists around us.
Once you notice that, you will know how special it is....